Ofcom Telephone Number classification
Many people are not sure what sort
of cost group particular numbers are. This may help as a high level
view: Especially take note of the new 03 range introduced by many
health centres from Jan 2007 - these are local rate costed numbers
but not geographically fixed. Hence like a lower cost 0845 number.
National Telephone Numbering Plan
Area codes |
UK-wide numbers |
For future use |
Reserved for personalised numbers |
Mobile numbers (note: not 070 which are currently
used for personal numbers) |
Freephone |
Business rate services |
Premium rate services |
* 03 numbers became available to use from early
2007. They cost the same amount wherever the caller is located.
Service providers like government bodies and financial organisations
may choose to use these numbers instead of 08 business rate services
numbers such as those beginning ‘0870’.
The price of calls for each number type varies
between different providers, including between landline ('fixed')
and mobile companies. Ofcom is currently reviewing how to let callers
know more about call costs from the number dialled.